Blog #5

Pamela Anderson released a Netlix documentary about her life. I was intrigued firstly because I had time off along a myriad of other reasons. The five day off stint had ended now and left me feeling kind of lethargic but enough about me.

In truth I was sort of let-down. I haven’t watched Prince Harry’s explosive interview, documentary or novel for instance. It comes from having shitloads to do. I am currently discussing with my wifey what we both failed to do over the past few days. Am I expecting to give a fuck? I was sort of let down over the make-up. It is obvious that she has had a lot of work done and for what? I never understand that need to look perfect with Botox especially when it is so unregulated over here. I love that she marries for love – a hopeless romantic. I was like that once before reality came to bite me in the ass. I was the opposite of armipotent once upon a time. Literally travelling the world for what might have been. If I had won the Lotto for instance I would hire a professional solicitor, accountant and financial adviser. I feel like I would give her a hug. I am a very huggy, cuddling type of person. I am physical touch on the Five Favourite Love Languages. The last thing is that beauty is merely a myth. 15 minutes has shrunk to 15 seconds with the unrelenting, unsatisfying, voracious gulp of social media. I love Dolly Parton for instance but I plan to hopefully age gracefully as the time rolls relentlessly onwards.

Blog #3

This is weird. I am blogging for third day in a row. There must be something wrong with me for sure. The reasons are varied but more and more ideas are percolating below the surface in the hope that they will eventually blossom like a beautiful flower. I have coming up with more and more ideas – which is why I love the art of blogging/journaling/whatever. Whether it be the countless hours spend over a sexy sculpture, delightful drawing, breathtaking carpentry or a beloved little human being displaying their impish greatness on a sheet of paper than the wall paper…

There was more planned for this post but it is important to remind me that even a shit day at the gym in better than not going to the gym at all.

Blog #2

It’s like I am laving this mad urge to blog off my body. It it akin to “UNCLEAN, UNCLEAN, GET IT OFF. THE GOGGLES DO NOTHING” to use the oft quoted meme – before people were able to do them on a much more (is it meming?) regular basis. I welcome it though. Take the time to let the warm showery waterfall cascade all around your body and watch the soft foamy liquid twirl away to a shower holeeeeee. Unless, you are basically myopic like me. I am basically blind. Really, really bad like! Anyway, I am taking a leaf out of this book. It is well written, concise and to the point as it has many, many useful tips – one of which I will use here in an attempt to berate or bully the bleary eyed blogging beast within me.

I am not your usual person in many ways. I have a brain injury resulting from my helmeted head taking too much of a liking to a particular well meaning tree. I don’t hold anything against that tree. We desperately need more diverse trees as a whole on the island of Ireland. Death holds no dominion over me. As my wifey says: I had a chance, I blew it now I have to stick around until I am 80. Given the resulting life expectantly it is not a great deal to ask. Two of my grandparents lived to be in excess of 80. Maybe 90 is the way to go? The least I can hope for is to live a good life if I make it to my death bed.

Blog #1

This dingbat embarks on another futile attempt to attempt to journal again. I feel this worthless attempt is better off decollated than anything else…

I cannot recommend James Clear’s Atomic Habits enough. I am a man of routine, systems, clear narratives that enable little old me to meander on the amble track that is my life. One of the main ideas I took from the book was this idea of habit building and starting a habit for two minutes. I am a time poor person so I am aiming to blog 3 – 5 days a week.

I used to blog before. Way, way, way before it was  kewl cool I was into blogging in a big way – why did I stop? Good question. I didn’t realise at the time that it was actually cathartic for me in a major way. It is useful to have simply as a read through.

So I post and I will come back. Baby steps… 🙂